HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.18.1987 BA Minutes BOi~RDOFADJUSTMENTMEETING MONDAY, l~qY 18, 1987, CITY HPJ~L, 7=30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Terry Teague. Other board members present were Carolyn Warrick, Jack Burton, Lionel Garcia, and alternate John Oathout. Staff present were: Mike Services, David Blackburn, Sewell, Building Inspector. McDonough, Director of Municipal Assistant City Attorney, and Jim Visitors present were Donald Darrel Scott, Ronnie Williams, Miller. Lee Cook, Dwain Carolyn Billington, Dodson, and Barry W. Mr. McDonough introduced Mr. Oathout as the new member of the board serving as an alternate. B.~. Case No. 1017 Request of Donald Lee Cook for a variance to erect an open carport within the required front and side yards in a MF-2, (Multi-Family Residential) Zoning District being the West 10 feet and North 71 feet of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3, Block 41, College Hill Addition and located at 1905 W. 6th. The case was presented to the board by Mr. McDonough and by the use of an overlay showing the area and slides showing the resident and immediate area. Mr. McDonough stated that the carport would be placed on east property line and will protrude four (4) feet into the required front yard. Mr. Cook stated that the carport was needed to provide protection for his automobile and that the garage had been enclosed by a previous owner. After a short discussion among the board members, Mr. Burton made a motion, seconded by Mr. Garcia, to grant the variance to erect an open carport on the side property line and four (4) feet into the required front yard. The motion carried unanimously. B. ~. Case No. 1018 Request of Carolyn Billington for a variance to erect an open carport within the required front and side yard in a R-1 (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District, being Lot 6 and the North 12.56 feet of Lot 7, Block 1, Brannon Subdivision and located at 1005 Yonkers Street. The case was presented to the board by Mr. McDonough. By using an overlay, Mr. McDonough indicated the location of the property and slides to show the property and the immediate area. Mr. McDonough stated that the carport would extend to within four (4) feet of the front property line. Ms. Billington stated the north side of protection. that she had the carport intentions of for additional enclosing weather After further discussion, Ms. Warrick made a motion, seconded by Mr. Burton, to grant the request to build an open carport within four (4) feet of the property line and enclose the north side. The motion carried unanimously. Case No. 1019 Request of Ronnie Williams for a variance to erect an open carport within the required front and side yards in a R-1 (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District, being the South 36 feet of Lot 6, and the North 24 feet of Lot 7, Block 2, Roberson Subdivision and located at 1311 Vernon. The case was presented to the board by Mr. McDonough. By the use of an overlay, Mr. McDonough showed the board the location of the property. By using slides, the property and the immediate area was shown. Mr. McDonough stated that the carport would protrude within three (3) feet of the north side property line and within five (5) feet of the front property line. Mr. Williams stated that he would also want to enclose the north side of the Carport for additional weather protection. After a short discussion, Mr. Garcia made a motion, seconded by Mr. Burton to grant for an open carport to be constructed within three (3) feet of the north side property line and within five (5) feet of the front property line and to enclose the north side. The vote carried on a three (3) to one (1) vote with Ms. Warrick voting against the request. B.A. Case No. 1020 Request of Dwain Dodson for a variance to. construct a portion of a residence in the required front yard and a patio in the required side yard in a TH (Townhouse Residential) Zoning District, being the north ninety (90) feet of Lot 38, Ridgecrest Addition. The case was presented to the board by Mr. McDonough. Through the assistance of an overlay, showing the surrounding area and slides showing the lot and immediate area. Mr. McDonough explained that Mr. Dodson desired to erect a two family dwelling on the lot but that the building setback for the beginning of the cul de sac prevented the lot to be used efficiently. Mr. Dodson presented plans showing that if the building set back line was to continue in a straight line through his property then the building would fit. He also stated that he would build a patio within three (3) feet of the side property line but that a ten (10) foot drive that was dedicated and maintained by the property owners would provide for adequate building separation. After further discussion, Ms. Warrick made a motion, seconded by Mr. Garcia, to grant a variance for the construction of a residence in to the required front yard as if the set back line was extended and to within three (3) foot of the side property line. The motion carried unanimously. B.A. Case No. 1021 Request of Barry W. Miller for a variance to erect an open metal carport in the required front yard in a R-1 (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District, being Lot 8, Block 1, Cowart Subdivision and located at 1109 Borger. The case was presented to the board by Mr. McDonough and through the use of an overlay and slides, Mr. McDonough explained that Mr. Dodson was requesting to build a metal open carport within (20) feet of the front property line. Mr. Miller explained to the board how he planned to build the carport and how it would be placed on the property. Mr. Burton made a motion, seconded by Ms. Warrick, to grant variance to build an open carport within twenty (20) feet the front property line. The motion carried unanimously. a Having no further business before the board, Mr. Burton made a motion, seconded by Mr. Oathout, to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Jim ~well, Building Inspector Presiding Boardmer~ber