HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.22.1988 BA MinutesBOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING AUGUST 22, 1988, 7:30 P.M CITY HALL MINUTES The meeting was called to order by Jack Burton, Vice Chairperson. Other members present were Pat Stoner, Carolyn Warrick, Rebecca Escalante and Fernando Lopez. Staff present: Jim Sewell, Building Inspector. Visitors present were Betti Daniel, Mr. & Mrs. Gary Longaneck, Lanny Voss, Fred Bechtold, Charles Bechtold and Mrs. William Akin. B.A. CASE 1058 Request of Betti Daniel for a variance to place a utility/storage building in the required side and rear yard in a R-1 (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District, being the south 53 feet of Lot 4, Block 6, COuntry Club Addition and located at 311 Juanita Street. The case was presented to the Board by Jim Sewell, Building Inspector. Through the use of slides and overhead projection, the location of the lot and the placement of the building was indicated to the Board. Ms. Daniel stated that the building was in place and had not been aware that a permit or variance was required. She also stated that when she was.made aware of this, she applied for a variance Mrs. William Akin, spoke in oppoSition of the variance. She stated the building looked like something that would be on a farm and was an eyesore to the neighborhood. After several minutes of discussion, Board member Rebececca Escalante made a motion to approve the variance because other buildings had been approved just as close to the property line. Motion died because of no second. Board member Pat Stoner made a motion to table the request until the next meeting allowing the Board to study the request further. Motion was seconded by Board member Fernando Lopez and carried on a 2-1 vote. 1 of 3 B.A. Case 1059 Request of John D. Cates~ Jr., for a variance to construct a portion of a residence in the required side yard in a R-1 (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District, being Lot 1 and the West 15 feet of Lot 2~ Block 4, High School Addition and located at 193 West 20th Street. The case was presented to the Board by Jim Sewell, Building Inspector. Through the use of slides and overhead projection, the location of the property and the area of construction was indicated. Mrs. John D. Cates stated she was requesting the variance to add a laundry room to her residence. Having no one to speak in opposition, Board member Carolyn Warrick made a motion to grant the variance within 2 feet of the East property line. The motion was seconded by Board member Pat Stoner and carried unanimously. B.A. CASE NO. 1060 Request of Charles L. Jones for a variance to construct an open carport in the required front yard in an R-2 (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District, being Lot 7, Block 4, Boynton Subdivision and located at 124 SE 9th Street. The case was presented to the Board by Jim Sewell, Building Inspector. With the use of slides and overhead projection, the location of the property and the construction site was indicated. After several minutes of discussion, Board member Pat Stoner made a motion to grant a variance to construct an open carport within 12 feet of the front property line and within 1 foot of the west side property line. Motion was seconded by Board member Rebecca Escalante and carried unanimously. B.A. CASE NO. 1061 Request of James G. White for a variance to construct an open carport in the required front yard in an R-1 (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District, being the West 47.5 feet of Lot 23, Block 2, High School Addition being located at 1910 West 17th Street. The case was presented to the Board by Building Inspector Jim Sewell. With the use of slides and overhead projection, the location of the lot and the proposed construction site was indicated. After a lengthy discussion Board member Carolyn Warrick made a motion~ seconded by Board member Pat Stoner, to grant the variance within 14 feet of the front property line. Motion carried unanimously. 2 of 3 B~A. CASE NO. 1062 Request of Gary D. Longanecker for a variance to construct an open carport within the required side yard in a R-2 (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District being Lot 10, Block 9, Highland Addition and located at 1211 West llth Street. Building Inspector Jim Sewell presented the case to the Board. With the use of slides and an overhead projector, the location of the lot and site of construction was indicated. Mr. Longanecker stated that the variance was required to give enough room to provide proper protection for his vehicles. After a short discussion, a motion was made to grant a variance for a carport to the west property line. Motion was seconded by Board member Fernando 'Lopez and carried unanimously. Having no further business before the Board, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Ji~ Sewell, Building Inspector Presiding Board Member 3 of 3