Monday, February 27, 1989, 7:30'P.M., City Hall
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Jack Burton.
Other members present were Pat Stoner, Carolyn Warrick, Randy
Ballinger and Rebecca Escalante.
Staff present was David Blackburn, City Attorney and Jim Sewell,
Building Inspector.
Visitors present were Yolanda Moreno, Crestina Castillo, Vincente
Ruiz, Sr., and John C. Kerr.
B. A. CASE NO. 1069:
Request of Vincente Ruiz on behalf fo Our Lady of Guadalupe
Church to construct an addition to the church building in the
required front yard in a MF-2 (Multi-Family Residential) Zoning
District, being lots 25 thru 32, Block 6, Frisco Addition, and
located at 1111 Davidson.
The case was presented to the Board by Mr. Sewell. Through the
use of pictures and overhead projection, the location of the
property and present buildings were indicated.
Mr. Kerr stated that the church were requesting to build an
enclosed entry way to the front (east) side of the main building.
He further stated that the property owner would require a
variance to eight (8) feet of the front property line for this
After r.e~iewing the preliminary site plan and a short question
period, Mr. Ballinger made a motion to grant a variance for the
addition to within eight (8) feet of the front property line.
The motion was seconded by Ms. Stoner and carried unanimously.
Having no further business, Mr. Oathout made a motion to adjourn.
The motion was seconded by Ms. Escalante and carried unanimously.
JiF Sewell, Building Inspector
Presiding Board Member