Monday, June 26, 1989
7:30 P.M. Public Hearing, City Hall
The Board of Adjustment met in regular session with Chairman Jack
Burton presiding. Other members present were Carolyn Warrick,
Randy Ballinger and Lynn Davis.
Mike McDonough, Director of Municipal Services met with the
Visitors present were Larry Stokes, Fred Bechtold, Jeromy
Bechtold and Keith Bechtold.
B.A. CASE NO. 1075:
Request of Larry Stokes for a variance to construct an open
carport in the required front yard in a R-1 (Single-Family
Residential) Zoning District, being the West 10 feet of Lot 3 and
All of Lot 4, Block 3, Harris and Malone Addition and located at
2006 W. llth Street.
Mike McDonough introduced the case by means of video and overhead
projector. He explained that the proposed carport would encroach
into the required front yard of this residence. Two (2) letters
of reply in favor of the request were presented to the Board.
Fred Bechtold, representing Mr. Stokes, explained that the
proposed open metal carport would be 10 foot by 20 foot in front
of the residence. Mr. Stokes explained that the carport was
needed to protect his pickup from a large shade tree in his front
yard. He did not want to lose the large shade tree but the
drippings from it fell on his pickup each morning and to prevent
damage from the tree he was desiring the carport. No one else
desired to speak either for or against the proposed request.
After a discussion, Lynn Davis moved, seconded by Randy Ballinger
to approve construction of a 10 foot by 20 foot open metal
carport which would encroach 12 foot 6 inches into the required
front yard. Motion carried unanimously.
B.A.-CASE NO. 1076:
The request of Juliana Brockman for a variance to construct an
open carport in the required front and side yard in a R-2
(Single-Family Residential) Zoning District being the West half
of Lots 9 and 10 and the West half of the South 5.5 feet of Lot
11, Block 66, Alexander and Westmoreland Addition and located at
512 West 8th Street.
Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes
June 26, 1989
Page 2
Mike McDonough presented video and overhead slides of the
proposed request. There were no letters of reply received on the
case. Mr. McDonough explained that the proposed carport would be
constructed on the 8th Street side of the residence located at
512 West 8th Street. The carport would be on the side of the
house, but for zoning purposes the carport would be in the
required front yard of the residence. It was explained that the
residence in question was built several years ago with the
house facing what is technically the side property line.
Fred Bechtold who will be the contractor of the proposed carport,
explained that Mrs. Brockman is desiring to build a 30 foot by 20
foot open metal carport in front of her existing three car
garage. If the carport is approved it is the owner's intention
to enclosed the existing garage and turn it into a family room.
The proposed carport would be 7 feet from the front property
line. This would be the same distance that an existing carport
to the east projects out. Mr. Bechtold explained that if this
had been the side of the house, as it appeared, the carport would
encroach 3 feet into the side yard but due to the fact that in
reality it is the required front yard, the proposed carport would
encroach 18 feet into the required front yard. The existing
house presently encroaches 15 feet into the required front yard.
The existing setbacks conform to a side yard requirement.
After a discussion, Carolyn Warrick moved, seconded by Lynn Davis
to grant the request to construct an open 30 foot by 20 foot
metal carport to within 7 foot of the 8th Street property line.
The motion carried unanimously.
With no other business pending, Carolyn Warrick moved, seconded
by Lynn Davis to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried
unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 P.M.
Mike McDonough u
Director of Municipal Services
Presiding Board Member