Monday, August 28, 1989
7:30 P.M. - City Hall
The Board of Adjustment met in regular session with Chairman Jack
Burton presiding. Other members present were Carolyn Warrick,
Randy Ballinger, Lynn Davis, Eddie Lopez and Mark Trotman.
Staff member Mike McDonough, Director of Municipal Services met
with the Board.
Visitors present were Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bechtold, Danny Cash and
Jesse Mendoza.
B. A. CASE NO. 1078:
Request of David Gary to construct an open metal carport in the
required front and side yards in a R-1 (Single-Family
Residential) Zoning District, being Lot 5 and North 5 feet of Lot
6, Block 2, Hanna Subdivision and located at 1415 Vernon.
Mike McDonough presented the Board the plat drawing of the area
as well as copies of a site plan prepared by the applicant.
Video tapes were also shown of the site of the proposed carport
as well as the surrounding area. Mr. McDonough explained that
letters had been mailed to all property owners within 200 foot of
the subject property and only two letters had been returned and
those were in favor of the request. No letters of objection had
been received. The proposed carport would be built in front of
the residence which is located 17 foot 8 inches from the front
property line. The property line is located 24 foot 6 inches
from the front curb. The 12 foot wide carport, if approved,
would extend to the property line in front and if a subsequent
street use permit is approved by the City it will also project 10
inches into the public right of way. It was noted from the video
tapes shown that there are other carports in the vicinity of the
proposed carport and at least one of those projects some distance
beyond what appears to be the front property line. The property
was surveyed by the County Surveyor and what was determined by
him to be the property line is some 2½ feet further west than
measurements from the center of the street. This places a
greater distance between the curb and the front property line on
the west side of the street than it does on the east side of the
street and allows for less area to construct the proposed
Fred Bechtold of EB-TX Industries represented Mr. Gary in
presentation of this request. He explained that the proposed
carport would be the standard all metal carport that his company
constructed. Upon questioning by the Board he explained that the
need for the carport was due to the fact that there is no other
Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes
August 28, 1989
Page 2
carport on the property and it would be used for protection from
the weather and elements for the family vehicle.
After a discussion Mark Trotman moved, seconded by Carolyn
Warrick, to grant the request to construct an open metal carport
to within zero (0) feet of the front property line. The motion
carried unanimously.
B.A. CA~E NO. 1079:
Request of Jesse Joaquin Mendoza to construct a residential
storage building in the required side and rear yards in a R-1
(SingLe-Family Residential) Zoning District, being Lot 90,
Westridge Park, Unit No. 3 and located at 312 Mesa Circle.
Mr. McDonough presented the Board the plat of the area
identifying the property owners who were notified of the request.
He also presented a drawing prepared by Mr. Mendoza showing the
size of the building and the location of it on 'the property. A
video was presented that showed the residence at 312 Mesa Circle
and the surrounding properties as well as the tool shed/storage
building that was constructed in the rear yard. Mr. McDonough
explained that a 12 x 16 storage building had been constructed in
the rear yard at 312 Mesa Circle. When the City Code Enforcement
Department became aware of the construction, Mr. Mendoza was
contacted in regard to not having a building permit. On
measuring it was determined that the storage building set 2 foot
5 inches from the rear property line and 4 foot 8 inches from the
north property line. The Zoning Ordinance required that an
accessory building be 5 foot from either property line. Before a
building permit could be issued for the tool shed a variance
would need to be granted to allow 4 inches of encroachment on the
side property line and 2 foot 5 inches of encroachment on the
rear property line. In all other manners the storage building
appeared to meet building code requirement.
Mr. Mendoza explained to the Board that the storage building that
he had constructed in his rear yard was to be used as a tool
shed, storage building and hobby room. The building had not been
completed as it still needed minor work on it such as painting.
The building has a concrete foundation, wood floor, masonite
siding and composition roof. It is a one room building. It has
two windows and a single walk through door in it. There were no
other individuals present to speak on the case.
After discussing the case and asking Mr. Mendoza several
questions, Carolyn Warrick moved, seconded by Mark Trotman, to
grant a variance to a permit a storage building to remain 2 foot
5 inches into the required rear yard and 4 inches into the
required side (north) yard. The motion carried unanimously.
Board of Adjustment 'Meeting Minutes
August 28, 1989
Page 3
B. A. CASE NO. 1080:
Request of Danny Cash to construct an open carport with
residential storage in the required side yard in a R-1
(Single-Family Residential) Zoning District, being the South 60
feet of Lot 15, Block 3, Terry Addition and located at 1608
Mr. McDonough presented a plat map identifying the property in
question as well as the properties affected by this request. He
explained that the properties falling within 200 feet of the
subject property were notified of this request by mail. Of those
notified, three letters in favor were returned and one letter
with certain stipulations was returned. No letters of objection
had been received nor had any calls of objection been received.
He also showed the Board a drawing prepared by the applicant
showing the property in question and identifying the existing
residence and carport and the proposed carport addition. The
addition would be approximately 10 foot 6 inches wide and would
extend to within 30 inches of the south property line. A video
tape of the residence at 1608 Ennis as well as the surrounding
area was presented.
Danny Cash explained to the Board that the proposed carport and
storage building addition to the residence would allow additional
storage and a place for him to park his pickup. The existing
carport has a flat roof on it. By adding an additional 10 foot 6
inches to the existing 14 foot carport, it will allow the
construction of a gable roof over both carport. This will make
for better drainage and will allow the carports to have similar
construction as the residence. The carport roof will drain water
to the front and rear of the carport onto the applicant's
property. There will be a gutter along the south side of the
building preventing water from draining onto the neighbor's
property. The proposed carport will be constructed 30 inches
from the south property line to comply with wishes of a neighbor.
The neighbor would be the only individual directly affected by
the property. The neighbor has a carport which also extends
approximately the same distance from the property line.
With no other individuals to speak for or against, Randy
Ballinger moved, seconded by Lynn Davis, to grant the request to
construct an open carport with residential storage to within 30
inches of the side property line. The motion carried
With no other business pending the meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M.
Mike McDon6ugh u
Director of Municipal Services
Presiding Board Member