Monday, November 27, 1989
7:30 P.M. - City Hall
The Board of Adjustment met in regular session with Chairman Jack
Burton presiding. Other members present were Randy Ballinger,
Rebecca Escalante Lynn Davis Lee Roy Lightfoot and Pat Stoner~
Members absent were John Oathout and Carolyn Warrick.
Staff members Mike McDonough, Director of Municipal Services;
David Blackburn, City Attorney and Jim Sewell, Building Inspector
met with the Board.
Visitors present Donald Lewis Shannon, Roger Dowdy, Judy Sewell,
Vanessa Sewell and Priscilla Sewell.
Mr. Blackburn distributed a copy of The People's Access to
Government Guide to each member of the B6ard.
B. A. CASE NO. 1086:
Request of Donald Lewis Shannon to construct an outside stairway
in the side yard in a R-! (Single-Family Residential) Zoning
District on Lot No. 13 & South 5 feet of Lot 14, Block 3, Terry
Subdivision and located at 1604 Ennis.
The case was presented to the Board by Mr. Sewell. Mr. Sewell
explained that his office was notified of the stairway being
placed against the fence in June. He made contact with Mr.
Shannon at that time and Mr. Shannon advised that he would
correct the violation as soon as the alley was dry and he could
get his equipment into it. In September the violation was not
corrected and Mr. McDonough discussed the matter with Mr. Shannon.
The violation remained uncorrected and on October 16, 1989 a
complaint was filed in Municipal Court. Mr. Shannon then
contacted the BUilding Department and made application for a
Several members of the Board questioned Mr. Shannon about cutting
the stairway and landing back to where the stairway would meet
the Zoning Ordinance. (A stairway is permitted to project three
feet into the required yard according to the Zoning Ordinance.)
After further discussion, Mr. Ballinger made a motion to deny the
request for a variance of five (5) feet into the required side
yard and the applicant must comply with the code by being at
least two (2) feet from the property line. The motion was
seconded by Ms. Escalante and passes on a 3 to 2 vote with Mr.
Davis and Ms. Stoner voting against the motion. Mr. Shannon was
given thirty {30) days to be in compliance with the code.
Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes
November 27, 198
Page 2
B. A. CASE NO. 1087:
Request of Roger Dowdy on behalf of Dowdy Plumbing to construct
an open carport in the required front yard in a C-3 (Commercial
General Business) Zoning District on the West 30 feet of Lot 7
and the East 30 feet of Lot 8, Block 73., Alexander-Westmoreland
Addition and located at 604 W. 6th Street.
The case was presented to the Board by Mr. Seweti. Mr. Dowdy
stated that the carport would be open except for about one (i)
foot of the top sides. He further stated that the area in front
of this property and the property next door was used for parking
only and the carport would not obstruct the vision of people
coming or going from the parking areas.
After a short discussion, Ms. Stoner made a motion to grant an
eight (8) foot variance in the required front yard for the
construction of an open carport. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Lightfoot and carried unanimously.
Having no further business before the Baord, Ms. Escalante made a
motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Ms. Stoner and
passed unanimously.
~ im/Sew~ll
Building Inspector
Presiding Board Member
Monday, Nove~er 27, 1989
7:30 P.M. - City Hall
The Board of Adjustment met in regular session with Chairman Jack
Burton presiding. Other members present were Rebecca Escaiante
Lynn Davis, ~Lee Roy Lightfoot and Pat Stoner.
Staff present was Jim Sewell, Building Inspector.
B. A. CASE NO. 1088:
Request of James L. Whitfill to construct a residential storage
building in the required side yard in a R-2 (Single-Family
Residential) Zoning District on Lot 18, Block 1, Carpenter
Subdivision and located at 2104 Independence.
The case was presented to the Board by Mr. Sewell. He stated
that the construction was already in progress at the time the
owner made application for a variance. The building was a metal
frame, constructed of 4" pipe, with metal siding, roof and
concrete floor. It was constructed 4" south of the north
property line.
Mr. Whitfill stated that the building was constructed by his son
to protect his vehicles during adverse weather. He further
stated that his son worked out of state and left his vehicles at
his house during the time he was gone.
After a short discussion period, Ms. Escalante made a motion that
a variance be granted to construct a metal storage building to
within 4" of the north side property line and that a rain gutter
be installed to prevent run off landing on the neighbor's
property. The motion was seconded by Mr. Lightfoot and carried
Having no further business before the Board, Mr. Lightfoot made a
motion, seconded by Ms. Stoner, to adjourn. The motion carried
Building Inspector
Presiding Board Member