Monday, March 26, 1990
7:30 P.M. - City Hall
The Board of Adjustment met in regular session with Chairman Jack
Burton presiding. Other members present were Carolyn Warrick,
Rebecca Escalante Lynn Davis, Lee Roy Lightfoot, and Betty
Staff present was Jim Sewell, Building Inspector.
Visitor present was Fred Bechtold.
B. A. CASE NO. 1092
Request of Fred Bechtold on behalf of Clarence Wright for a
variance to construct a open metal carport in the required side
yard in a R-1 (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District on the
North 80' of Lot 1, Block 10, Brock Addition, Unit 2 and located
at 1209 Garland Street.
The case was presented to the Board by Mr. Sewell. He presented
a video of the location of the property and the proposed
construction site and showed the location by overhead
Mr. Bechtold talked in favor of the variance. He stated that the
proposed carport was to be constructed of metal and be 20' x 25'
in size. He further stated that the front,edge of the carport
would extend out to 3 1/2' from the north side property line.
After a short discussion, Ms. Warrick moved, seconded by Ms.
Gonzalez to grant a variance for a 20' x 25' open metal carport
to within 3 1/2' of the north side property line. The motion
carried unanimously.
Having no further business before the Board, Ms. Gonzalez moved,
seconded by Mr. Lightfoot to adjourn. Motion carried
Building Inspector
PresSing Board Member