Monday, May 21, 1990
7:30 P.M. - City Hall
The Board of Adjustment met in regular session by Acting
Chairperson Randy Ballinger. Other members present were Lynn
Davis, Lee Roy Lightfoot and Betty Gonzalez.
Staff present was Jim Sewell, Building Inspector and Janice
Anderson, Secretary.
Visitors present were Fidel and Lupe Perez.
B.A. CASE NO. 1094:
Request of Fidel Perez for a variance to construct an open metal
carport in the required front yard in a R-2 (Single-Family
Residential) Zoning District, being Lot 11, Block 2, Thunderbird,
Unit No. 1 and located at 2504 Milwaukee.
The case was presented to the Board by Mr. Sewell through the use
of audio visual means. Mr. Sewell stated that .'the carport was
constructed prior to a variance being granted or building permit
being applied for. He further stated that the carport was
constructed six (6) feet from the north side property and within
7'10" of the front property line.
Mr. Perez stated that he had recently purchased the property and
was not aware of needing a variance or building permit for a
After a short discussion period, Mr. Lightfoot moved, seconded by
Ms. Gonzalez to approve the request. Motion carried unanimously.
Having no further business before the Board, Mr. Davis, seconded
by Mr. Lightfoot to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously.
Building Inspector
Presiding Board Member