Monday, June 25, 1990
7:30 P.M. - City Hall
The Board of Adjustment met in regular session by Acting
Chairperson Carolyn Warrick. Other members present were Randy
Ballinger, Lynn Davis, Lee Roy Lightfoot and Betty Gonzalez.
Staff present was Jim Sewell, Building Inspector.
Visitors present were W. C. Jenkins and James Kruse.
B.A. CASE NO. 1095:
A request of O. T. Ryan for a variance to construct an addition
to a residence in the required front yard in a R-1 (Single-Family
Residential) Zoning District on the South fifteen feet of Lot 9
and all of Lot 10, Block 18, Brock Addition, Unit No. 7 and
located at 1101 Itasca.
Due to the fact that the applicant was not present Mr. Ballinger
made a motion to table the request until the meeting scheduled.
for July 23, 1990. The motion was seconded by Ms. Gonzalez and
carried unanimously.
B.A. CASE NO. 1096:
A request of N. C. Jenkins to enlarge a nonconforming use of a
structure in a M-2 (Heavy Manufacturing District) Zoning
District, being a 2 acre tract out of the South part of the
Northeast Part of Southeast Quarter, Section 37, Block JK-2, Hale
County, Tex~s and located at 3601 N. Columbia.
The case was presented to the Board by Mr. Sewell. He stated
that Mr. Jenkins was requesting to move a vacant building located
at 1901 N. Austin to the building located at 3601 N. Columbia.
Mr. Jenkins stated that the structure at 1901 N. Austin has been
vacated for some time and there are no plans to use the building
at that location in the future. He also stated that he had
invested a large sum of money to comply with present building
Mr. Kruse spoke in opposition stating that he owned property to
the north of this location and he requested that some type of
solid barrier be placed along the length of the north property
line to protect his property.
June 25, 1990
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After a short discussion, Mr. Lightfoot made a motion that the
request be granted and suggested that the barrier be 8 feet in
height and constructed of wood. The motion was seconded by MR.
Davis and passed unanimously. Mr. Jenkins agreed to construct
the barrier as suggested.
Having no further business before the Board, MR. Ballinger made a
motion to adjourn. The motion was.seconded by Mr. Lightfoot and
carried unanimously.
Jim S~well
Building Inspector
Presiding Board Member