HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.24.1990 BA Minutes Board of Adjustment Meeting Monday, September 24, 1990, 7:30 p.m., City Hall The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairperson Lynn Davis. Other members present were Randy Ballinger, Lee Roy Lightfoot and Betty Gonzalez and Rebecca Escalante. staff present was Jim Sewell, Building Inspector. Visitors present were Joe Cavazos, John Castro, Ray Teeple, Chuck Larson and Alfred Velasquez. B. A. Case No. 1099: Request of Joe H. Cavazos to construct an open carport in the required side yard in a R-1 (Single-Family 'Residential) Zoning District on Lot 1 and 2, Block 19, Highland Addition and located at 1113 Lexington. The case was presented to the Board by Mr. Sewell. He stated that the addition was to be used as an open carport, 23' x 43' in size. He further stated that the Zoning ordinance required a 10' side yard adjacent to a side street. The addition would come to 3'of the north side property line and Mr. Cavazos was requesting a 7' variance. A video tape of the location of the request and the immediate area was viewed by the Board. Mr. Cavazos stated that he needed the carport to protect his vehicles and because he laid carpet, he sometime left carpet in his pickup overnight and the carport would also provide protection for this as well. After a short discussion, Mr. Lightfoot made a motion to grant a variance to construct a 23' x 43' open carport to within 3' of the north property line. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ballinger and passed unanimously. B.. A. Case No. 1100: Request of Ray Teeple to construct an addition in the required rear yard in a R-1 (Single-Family Residential) zoning District on Lot 79, Westridge Park Addition and located at 409 Mesa Circle. The case was presented to the Board by Mr. Sewell. A video of the construction site and the immediate area was viewed by the Board. Mr. Sewell stated that Mr. Teeple was requesting a variance in order to construct an enclosed swimming pool addition to his residence. The addition would be approximately 27' x 22' in size and come to within 5' of his rear property line. Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes September 24, 1990 Page 2 Mr. Teeple stated the addition would attach to the existing sunroom and be wood frame and glass enclosed. Mr. Chuch Larson, a construction contractor from Lubbock, showed the Board site and elevation plans of the proposed addition. After a short discussion, Mr. Ballinger made a motion to grant a 20' variance to construct an addition in the required rear yard as indicated by the site plans. The motion was seconded by Ms. Gonzates and passed unanimously- B. A. Case,~o. 1101: Request of John Castro to construct a residential accessory building in a R-1 (Single-Family Residential) Zoning District on Lot 13 and the East 56 feet of Lot 14, Block 87, College Hill Addition and located at 3104 W. 4th Street. to the Board by Mr. Sewell. The Board The case was presente~ ....... ~=~ construction site and the · a video tape o~ ~n~ ~~- ested the variance vzewe~ z. Castro requ immediate area. He ~tated ~h~_M...~ h~ could store and work on in order to construct a workshop w~,=~ ..... his automobiles- According to Section 34:5.5 of the Zonlng ordinance, a building arranged to be entered by a motor vehicle from an alley shall be set back from the rear lot line or alley easement line a minimum distance of twenty feet. Mr. Sewell stated that due to the fact that the building will be used for the storage and repair of the applicant's motor vehicle he would be required to meet the requirement. The site plan indicated that the building would be 24' x 20' and set 16 feet from the rear property line. Mr. Castro stated that he does plan to store and repair old motor vehicles ior his personal use and requested that the request be approved. After a short discussion, Mr. Lightfoot made a motion to grant a 4 foot variance, as required by Section 34:5.5 of the zoning Ordinance, to construct a 20' x 24' building in the rear yard. The motion was seconded by Ms. Gonzales and passed unanimously- Having no further business the meeting was adjourned. ~_ Presiding Board Member Ji~ Sewell Building official