Monday, June 24, 1991, 7:30 p.m.
Council Chambers, City Hall, 901 Broadway
The meeting was called to order by chairperson, Lynn Davis.
Other board members attending were Lee Roy Lightfoot, Randy
Ballinger and Jannie Benson.
B. A. CASE NO. 1120:
Request of Rodney Edwards for a variance to Section 34:1 (1) in
order place an open carport within 3 feet of the required 8 foot
side yard setback, and
Section 34:8 (1) in order to place a carport within 8'9" to the
required 10 foot between walls of buildings on the same lot in a
R-1 (Single Family Residential District) being East 40 feet of
Lot 2 and the West 20 feet of Lot 3, Block 10, High School
Addition and located at 2007 W. 20th.
The case was presented to the board by video and overhead
projection. Mr. Edwards was present and advised the board the
existing carport was built without a building permit and not
attached to the residence because he did not know he need to.
After a short discussion between board members and questions
directed to Mr. Edwards, Randy Ballinger moved, seconded by Betty
Gonzales to grant a variance under the condition the open carport
be attached to the main building and a building permit be
obtained before construction performed.
Having no further cases a motion carried unanimously to adjourn.
~~ Officer
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