HomeMy WebLinkAboutR84-731RESOLUTION NO. R84-73_____~1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF pIA]lqV~, TEXAS AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN ON BEHALF OF THE CITY A LEASE AGREEMENT FOR THE BUILDING USED BY PLAINVIEW- HALE COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR~ENT. WHt~RFAS, Plainview/Hale County Health Department operates from a facility located at the corner of 10th and Ash Streets; and WHEREAS, the property is owned by Nancy E. Speck who desires to execute a new lease agreement for one year beginning October 1, 1984 and tennina~-ing on September 30, 1985: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Plainview, Te~s that %he Mayor be authorized to sign on behalf of the City, a one-year lease between the City of Plainview and Nancy E. Speck for the property occupied by the Plainview/Hale County Health Depar~ent. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 10th day of _July_, 1984. E.V. RIDLEHUBER, Mayor ASR~ST: Affiliated voith Texas State Department of Health Tenth & Ash Streets -- B~ IT38 PLAINV1EW, TEXAS ~ Area Code 806 Telephone 293-1359 Proposed equipment to be purchased with contract funds: Examining Table Refrigerator 4 Filing Cabinets @ $175 each 1 Locking File Cabinet 24 Office Chairs @ $20.80 each 5 Attache Cases @ $47.00 each Daylight Screen $ 956.00 599.95 700.00 200.,00 499.20 235.00 49.75 $3239.90 OtheK equipment will be added as the need is identified. The microwave identified in the contract attachment was donated to the Department by Board Member Mrs. Robert Tilson. These funds will now be directed to other uses. ie ' LJ apartment ol Health AUSI' ll'q - 'TEXAS INTER-OFFICE C. C. Eaves, M.D. Associate Com~issioner for City of Plainview County of Hale SUBJ[C]' Contract Amendment 3 ..... Attached please find two (2) copies of an Attachment Amendment to a contract between Chis Agency and your health department. Please sign all copi,es and return all copies to this office for further processing. In future communications about this attachment be sure to use the attachment number for identification purposes. SIGNED DA t [. .... Jun_e .8, .1.9~4 Form A AT F~.~,--h~IENT NO. S Th i s Attachment o¢ that certain CITY OF PLAINVIEW COUNTY DF HALE., executed bg February 17: 1984 and ,January 5, :L984.~ respectivelg.~ period o¢ April 1, 198~ thru August 31~ 1984. consti tutes an amendment contract between the TEXAS to and be~9~es a part DEP ARTf1ENT OP);HEALTFI and the part ies on and covers the Community and Rural I--leal'th ~c__ope cfi' Work The Texas Department o¢ Health will allocate Cunds Cot the purchase o~ medical and o~.Pice equipment to support health department services. Funds in this contract will be expended on a cost reimbursement basis with appropriate purchase vouchers to be submitted to the O~ice o~ Community and Rural Health. Preventive Health Block Grant Equipment The total amount o.P this At.t..:.~chment shall not exceed PERFORm'lING AGENC'~ ' A p p ;~ o v e d a ~..'.'. t o F o r m: RECEIVING AGENCY ~.,~o DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Bg Hermas L. f~ilier Deputy Commissioner Mana.§emen+.. _ and ~ ^u~-r4ini~+.r.at__ ion Date Recommended" C.C. Eaves, R.1). Associate Commissioner f'oc C;ommunitg & Rural Health y.677-,=,=_ Texas Department of' Health PLAINVIEW - HALE ADDENDUM TO ATTACHMENT 3 Examining 'Fable Litton or Sharp Microwave Oven *Other Misc. Equipment appeal Equipment $2,500.00 250.00 _L~..z_5 o. o o $4,000.00 *Prior approval by Community and Rural Health is required for equipment purchases in excess of Th i s Attmchment o-P that ce;--ta i;~ ATTACHP1ENT NO. S consti tutes mn amendment contrmct betweem 'the CITY OF PLAINVIEW COUNTY OF HALE , Februmrg 17~ 1984 a?~d -.]mmuarg 5, !984, to mhd becomes m TEXAS OEPART~ENT OF HEALTH executed b~ the respect i velg, and period o~ April t~ 198~ thru August ~1, 1984. p art part ~ es on covers the Commumitg and Eural Hemtth ]'he Texas Department o~ Fte~lth will allocmte ~unds ~or the purchase o~-~ medical amd o.P.Pice equipment to support health department services. Funds in this co~tract will be expended on a cost reimbursement bmsis with apl)ropr~ate purchase vouchers to be sul)~,.~itted to the O~.Pice o~ Communitg and Rural Health. Preventive Health Block Grant Eq~ipmemt - $4~.8~ The total amount o.F' this ~-~.=._achmemt^'t' ~ shall ;qot exceeo' PERFOR~'tlNG ~GEi',..C ~ pPove,:.~ as to Foi"N~: Texas Department of' Health RECEi V...NG AGFNCY TE×Ao OEPART[~ENT OF HEALTH 8g Hermas L. Ftilter DeputL~ Commissioner f"l a ~'~a g e m e;q t. a r~ d A d ~'~ i r.~ ' ~ ..... Dmte Rec oakum e ~-Id e d '_ B g ...... C.C. Eaves.~ M.D. ~ ....... Associate Commissioner ?or- Cc, mmumit,.g &Rur. a l Health I~LA1N¥1EW - ltALE ADDENDUM TO ATTACHMENT 3 Capital Equi pmen~; Ex am i n i n c~ 'Fab 1 e Litton or Sharp Microwave Oven Ohher Misc. Equipment $Z,500.00 ZSO.O0 1.750.00 Sq,O00.O0